Soc Dems hoping to be 'transfer friendly' - O'Callaghan

Soc Dems hoping to be 'transfer friendly' - O'Callaghan

Published: Saturday, 30th of November

Analysis carried out on: Saturday, 30th of November

Source RTE

Social Democrats deputy leader Cian O'Callaghan said his party's "red lines" were not intended to rule them out of being in government with Fianna Fáil or Fine Gael.

Avg. Sentiment: 51.0

Sentiment Analysis by Party

Social Democrats

The article presents the Social Democrats in a moderately positive light. Cian O'Callaghan's statements about the party's 'red lines' are framed as strategic rather than exclusionary, indicating a willingness to negotiate and collaborate with other parties, including Fianna Fáil and Fine Gael. The mention of Social Democrats candidates being well-placed to retain or win new seats further adds to the positive sentiment.

Fianna Fáil

Fianna Fáil is mentioned in a neutral context, as part of the potential government partners for the Social Democrats. There is no specific positive or negative sentiment expressed towards Fianna Fáil in the article.

Fine Gael

Similar to Fianna Fáil, Fine Gael is mentioned neutrally as a potential government partner for the Social Democrats. The article does not express any particular sentiment towards Fine Gael.

Labour Party

The Labour Party is mentioned in a moderately positive context, with the intention of the Social Democrats to engage in talks with them. Additionally, Labour leader Ivana Bacik's proactive approach to forming alliances with parties sharing similar visions and values contributes to a positive sentiment.