Green Party voters most loyal to party over candidates

Green Party voters most loyal to party over candidates

Published: Saturday, 30th of November

Analysis carried out on: Saturday, 30th of November

Source RTE

Green Party supporters are the most loyal to their party over individual candidates, while Fianna Fáil voters are most likely to stick with their preferred politician, according to the Exit Poll.

Avg. Sentiment: 51.0

Sentiment Analysis by Party

Green Party

The article highlights that Green Party supporters are the most loyal to their party over individual candidates, with 80% willing to transfer their support to a different candidate if their preferred one ran for another party. This suggests a moderately positive sentiment as it emphasizes party loyalty.

Fianna Fáil

The article mentions that 65% of Fianna Fáil voters would stick with their candidate, indicating a relatively high level of candidate loyalty. The sentiment is neutral as it presents factual information without any positive or negative connotations.

Sinn Féin

Sinn Féin supporters show a 62% loyalty to the party, which is slightly lower than Fianna Fáil. The sentiment is neutral, as the article provides factual data without any particular positive or negative language.

Fine Gael

Fine Gael has the lowest party loyalty, with only 40% of voters remaining loyal to the party. The sentiment is neutral, as the article simply reports the data without any critical or derogatory language.